Ocean Technology (closed)

White drone flying under water surface.


Canada's Ocean Technology sector is a cross cutting advanced technology industry focused on products and services to understand and work in or use the ocean. The sector is comprised of companies, institutions, and organizations dedicated to ocean and marine-related technology, education, training, research and development, promotion, delivery and application. The technology is used to deliver solutions and generate efficiencies through safe and sustainable exploration, development, monitoring and use of ocean resources. Ocean technology is a key enabler and defined as a horizontal sector applicable to such ocean-based verticals as marine transportation, commercial fisheries, defence, offshore energy, environmental monitoring, and marine tourism.

Canadian ocean technology companies are world-leading innovators in sensor technology, remote sensing (radar and acoustic), subsea vehicles/robotics, autonomous systems, harsh ocean environment technology, and marine simulation. Canada also has significant growth opportunities in emerging areas such as marine biotechnology, including health and pharmacology, bioremediation and biofuels.

During public engagement regarding regulatory impacts on the growth of ocean technology sector, stakeholders described a number of regulatory hurdles hindering the development and commercialization of new ocean technologies, including a lack of clarity about the responsible regulatory departments, ambiguity about the application of general rules to novel processes and applications, an inability to obtain approvals in a timely manner, and the need to develop regulatory spaces in the oceans to permit testing and demonstration (e.g., for marine renewable energy and autonomous operation of marine vessels and vehicles). The Blue Economy Regulatory Review aims to explore the Government of Canada’s ability to provide a streamlined, flexible and coherent regulatory framework that can improve the overall global competitiveness of the ocean technology sector and ensure longer-term growth.

What we are looking to advance

We are seeking your input to help build upon what we have learned through past consultations to help ensure that the regulatory environment supports innovation in the ocean technology with consistency, predictability, and responsiveness.

How to participate

We are seeking your feedback using the consultation tools below by March 31, 2023.

Sharing your views using this platform provides an opportunity to engage in conversation with others, however, if you prefer to share your views using email, please feel free to email BlueEconomy-EconomieBleue@dfo-mpo.gc.ca.

We may follow-up with you to explore your input in more detail and may share your comments with other teams, departments or governments, where relevant. Input received that falls outside of the scope of this consultation will be shared with the relevant regulator(s) for their information.

For assistance

Visit the Let’s Talk Federal Regulations 101 Page to learn how:

  • to use the platform
  • to register and provide comments
  • the feedback will be reported back

For technical assistance, visit Technical Support.

White drone flying under water surface.


Canada's Ocean Technology sector is a cross cutting advanced technology industry focused on products and services to understand and work in or use the ocean. The sector is comprised of companies, institutions, and organizations dedicated to ocean and marine-related technology, education, training, research and development, promotion, delivery and application. The technology is used to deliver solutions and generate efficiencies through safe and sustainable exploration, development, monitoring and use of ocean resources. Ocean technology is a key enabler and defined as a horizontal sector applicable to such ocean-based verticals as marine transportation, commercial fisheries, defence, offshore energy, environmental monitoring, and marine tourism.

Canadian ocean technology companies are world-leading innovators in sensor technology, remote sensing (radar and acoustic), subsea vehicles/robotics, autonomous systems, harsh ocean environment technology, and marine simulation. Canada also has significant growth opportunities in emerging areas such as marine biotechnology, including health and pharmacology, bioremediation and biofuels.

During public engagement regarding regulatory impacts on the growth of ocean technology sector, stakeholders described a number of regulatory hurdles hindering the development and commercialization of new ocean technologies, including a lack of clarity about the responsible regulatory departments, ambiguity about the application of general rules to novel processes and applications, an inability to obtain approvals in a timely manner, and the need to develop regulatory spaces in the oceans to permit testing and demonstration (e.g., for marine renewable energy and autonomous operation of marine vessels and vehicles). The Blue Economy Regulatory Review aims to explore the Government of Canada’s ability to provide a streamlined, flexible and coherent regulatory framework that can improve the overall global competitiveness of the ocean technology sector and ensure longer-term growth.

What we are looking to advance

We are seeking your input to help build upon what we have learned through past consultations to help ensure that the regulatory environment supports innovation in the ocean technology with consistency, predictability, and responsiveness.

How to participate

We are seeking your feedback using the consultation tools below by March 31, 2023.

Sharing your views using this platform provides an opportunity to engage in conversation with others, however, if you prefer to share your views using email, please feel free to email BlueEconomy-EconomieBleue@dfo-mpo.gc.ca.

We may follow-up with you to explore your input in more detail and may share your comments with other teams, departments or governments, where relevant. Input received that falls outside of the scope of this consultation will be shared with the relevant regulator(s) for their information.

For assistance

Visit the Let’s Talk Federal Regulations 101 Page to learn how:

  • to use the platform
  • to register and provide comments
  • the feedback will be reported back

For technical assistance, visit Technical Support.

Discussions: All (5) Open (0)
Page last updated: 06 Jun 2024, 12:39 PM